The Community Classroom

The Community Classroom exists in Shiremanstown so that the BBC congregation can reach into the lives of our neighbors, meet some of their tangible needs, build friendships with these families, and allow them to see the love of Jesus demonstrated through our lives. 

History of the TCC

The vision for a facility from which BBC could touch the lives of Shiremanstown community members has been on the hearts and minds of the congregation and leadership for many years. Planning for such a ministry began in the summer of 2015. In the fall of that year, the property adjacent to the church became available for sale. BBC enthusiastically raised the money necessary to purchase that lovely home, giving the Community Classroom a visible and convenient location in the center of the borough.  The Community Classroom is located next to the church at 205 West Main St. Shiremanstown.

Adult ESL

Schedule varies

The Community Classroom offers English classes on all levels as well as a citizenship class.  

Please call 717-761-6040 for more information and to register. You will be asked for your name and phone number and our ESL coordinator will return your call.

View the ESL Class Schedule below:

ESL Fall 2024 Schedule

after school Program

Mondays-fridays 2:30-4:30 PM

The Community Classroom partners with Northside Elementary School and Elmwood Academy to offer an after school program to qualifying students in grades 1-5. Every day includes snack, play time, and academic enrichment. Enrollment in our After School Program is based on recommendations from these local schools. If you are interested in learning more, email Jeni Warner at